Friday, January 7, 2011

My body weight

So today while I was in the shower I realized I love my body so much haha (that's awkward...).  I recently weighed myself and am at 142--that's how much I weighed in high school!  Everyone says you gain weight when you get married and I have definitely witnessed that with many peers, but I haven't gained anything :)!

My first year at Snow College my heart got broke and I gained 20 pounds the second semester.  Serves me right too.  Just before Christmas break I was rubbing it in my roommates faces how I didn't gain the Freshman 15 and they did.  Aaaand then I gained not 15, but 20 pounds haha.  It was hard for me to get over my first love just as it is hard for anyone.  I realized I wasn't officially "over" him until I met Clifton, about 2 years later.  Anyways, my second year at Snow I somehow lost all that weight and got back to my regular 150 lbs. 

I guess I've lost a little weight since then too and now fluctuate between 140 and 145.  And I have no doubt in my mind that it is because I am the happiest I've been in my whole life that I'm at such a healthy weight :).  It's nice to have jeans that fit (it took me over a year after losing the initial weight to finally get new pants since all mine were SAGGY galore!).  Now if I were any lighter I'd be borderline underweight and I definitely do not want that.  For my height a healthy weight is 130-160, and I'm grateful I'm at that :).  I'm so grateful for my body weight right now and I will continue to work to keep it at that.  It won't be too hard though with how happy clifton makes me.  I do love that man.  And my body lol.

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