Monday, January 3, 2011


Hahaha oh my goodness!  Last night I had a dream about this massive dodgeball game with my whole graduating class from high school.  It was AWESOME!  I'm grateful for dreams.  It's so incredible to me how the subconscious works!  And yes, I am a complete sucker for those dream dictionaries.  I mean, I don't believe that everything in your dream is automatically what the dream dictionary says.  I believe that each dream has it's own meaning for each individual and I also believe that it should NOT be over analized. 

Everyone has dreams every sleep cycle, oftentimes more than once.  It's just a matter of remembering them or not.  In psychology we learned that the only way to remember your dreams is to wake up during that cycle.  And for some reason, I pretty much always remember my dreams.  I love it.  I feel really blessed; I feel like it's something that keeps me more in tune to the way I am and feel.  It allows me to work things out in a more rational way, which is also the purpose of dreams sometimes.  Something that is almost always present in my dreams is forms of water and death.  Water is representative of the psyche so I always pay attention to that.  If the water is ever just going crazy in my dream, I know I need to work on something that I'm feeling.  It may sound silly, but it really does always help.  It's so fascinating.  I really can't say that enough.  AND!  Lots of WAY awesome stories have formed in my mind as well because of my dreams hehe.  I don't really tell my dreams to many people though.  Because I hate hearing about other peoples dreams I figure no one wants to hear mine either so I just tell my husband.  Clifton is the only one that's heard about every dream and we have such a good time talking about it :)


For your entertainment  It's my fave lol.

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