Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Growing up, flossing really wasn't important.  My mom was so busy raising 7 kids all by herself and working that things like that just weren't crucial.  Sure be grossed out, I'd like to see you do it.  So even now I hate flossing.  It's true.  I'm not a flosser.  I don't even care who is disgusted by this fact. 

Two years ago I got a job at Fatcats as the Events Assistant.  At this job there was tootsie rolls and fruities EVERYWHERE.  Especially in my office.  So during the day I would just put a few in my mouth.  No harm done right?  Who doesn't love little treats throughout the workday?  Obviously it was more than a few.  I counted the wrappers in the garbage one day and there was over a hundred.  I'm just going to leave it at that.  Ok fine!  I'm addicted to them!  I have the fattest sweet tooth on the planet.  After many months of doing this and not flossing, I guess bad things happen to teeth.  I went to the dentist 6 months later and had....................wait for it................

ELEVEN cavities.  That's right.  I have never had a cavity in my life and pride myself on my genetically beautiful teeth.  Well at least I used to.  Guess where all of these cavities were?  You guessed it; in between my teeth.  The place that floss would've cleaned marvelously.  I'm such an idiot.  Oh and I was still on my moms dental plan, so she was pissed.  Needless to say she took me off immediately.

This experience 2 years ago has forced me to finally start flossing my teeth (although I won't lie, I only do it after eating candy).  For some reason this week I've done it every night.  GOLD STAR FOR ME!  I know it's silly, it just makes me feel good now.  So today I am grateful for floss.  God bless you don't get 11 cavities in one visit.

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