Dear Aaron,
Today I am grateful for you. I'm grateful for you everyday, but today is set aside just for you. You are going through such a tough time right now and it makes my heart hurt for you. But you should know how much I love you, and how much I look up to you.
You've always been a great example for me. I loved when I was in junior high and you were in high school and you took me to and from school. I felt so cool being picked up by my cool brother after school. You always make something silly become permanent. Like when you told us to go bark out a window? And we did? And then that became an inside joke for forever. Or when we started using "bananas" as a hug code word. I'm not sure if you started it, but I remember you especially making it stick. You seem to always be the one that starts the hug attacks. I'll have to get you back as soon as I see you again, because I know you can use it.
You have such a great soul, through and through. Everything lights up when you're around. I know it's so cliche but it's true. You are one of those people that everyone loves. People just feel better after being around you. You're so full of life and ideas and energy! You are completely selfless and generous in almost everything you do. You are a dork. I love the inside jokes we have! Remember who you are Aaron. But more importantly, where you live!!!
Remember when we would check the sibs out of school for lunch every so often? That was so fun.
Remember when you tried to imitate a bull on christmas, but really you just ended up showing us all your nose snot?
Remember when you came home from your mission, and we were all freaked out at the Ocho Ocho?
Remember when I was making big mistakes in my life, and you were there for me? And we went to Gandy's and just ate and talked?
Remember when you married me and Clifton?
I chose you to marry us for a reason Aaron.
You are one of my heros and you always have been!
I know right now is hard.
Today is hard.
But you are a strong person! You can do anything! Please don't let anyone make you want to destroy yourself or the person you have become. Your family is all here for you at anytime! We love you Aaron! You may not want to hear it right now, but Heavenly Father loves you so much and He always always wants to hear how you are doing no exceptions. I love you!!! And today I am so grateful to have you as my brother. You have been such a blessing in my life. I know you'll continue to be a blessing; but please don't forget who you are. I love you just the way you are, and that's all I'll ever need!
Love, Jesse
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