Saturday, February 26, 2011


I mentioned already I'm giving a talk tomorrow in church.  The topic is walking in the light of the Lord.  There are three main things to do this and they are the three parables given in Matthew 25.  Prepare yourself spiritually, share your gifts and talents, and service.

Service has always been something I love to do.  It's been a big part of my life thanks to my mom.  When we were young she made sure we knew how important it was to give of ourselves.  We did the 12 days of Christmas to needy families.  Each day in December before Christmas we would leave a bunch of toys and food on the doorsteps of the families my mom chose and we would door-bell ditch them.  It was great fun for us to ring the doorbell then run, and it was great for us to think of other people.  Another thing we did was visit Carla.  I don't even know how my mom met her, but Carla was handicapped.  She was in a wheelchair and was mentally challenged.  But it wasn't too severe, because she was able to live in a community by herself.  Obviously her two daughters stopped by and visited, but we did too.  We helped her move to her new home, and we entertained her.  She was a wonderful artist and my absolute favorite picture of Christ is the one she painted.  I wish I took a picture so I could show you!  It's in my front room right next to a figurine and the picture of me and Clifton.  It is definitely one of my most treasured items.  In fact, it's the 4th thing I'd grab in case our house caught fire (1-journals, 2-file box full of important papers such as ss cards, w2s, warranties, stories I've done, etc, 3-photo albums).  Anyway, she died probably a year after we started visiting her.  A truck hit her while she was crossing the street. It was ridiculous.  I think about her a lot and I love the memories I have of her.

I am grateful for service.  I am grateful there is something bigger than ourselves.  Something more than just surviving and working and worrying about our problems.

“Service to humanity is service to God. Let the love and light of the Kingdom radiate through you until all who look upon you shall be illumined by its reflection. Be as stars, brilliant and sparkling in the loftiness of their heavenly station."

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." -Ghandi

"Help others and give something back. I guarantee you will discover that while public service improves the lives and the world around you, its greatest reward is the enrichment and new meaning it will bring your own life." -Arnold Schwarzenegger

Wow Arnold?  I hate you, but I'm impressed!  Haha

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