Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday the 13th

Are you superstitious?  I'm not.  But there's something to be said for all the oddities that happened today. 

1.  I put on a glove that had a 6th finger hole.  Twice. 

2.  Then I jumped onto a rope swing and 1 1/2 swings later it broke.  I fell on my bum bum (definitely my favorite way of saying butt...tooshy is funny too) and may or may not have been laughing hysterically for a few minutes.  I wish other people would laugh more at things like that.  I wish I could've seen it, because I would've been laughing so hard--although I was hysterical already so I guess it doesn't matter.  I'm just a bad person that laughs at other people when they fall ok?  I always have been.  Yes, it's gotten me into lots of trouble growing up.

3.  During a brilliant game of sardines I hid under a picnic table.  Multiple people passed me and looked under the table.  Someone looked directly at me.  Thirty minutes later I get a text saying everyone gave up.  Obviously I have the ability to become invisible on demand.  Beware.

I'm still not a superstitious person but I love friday the 13th and the bizarre things that can happen.  Plus it's a riot watching how other people react to the cursed day.

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