So. I found out what happened between Aaron and Meg. Kind of. Obviously there's a lot I don't know, because like I said before it is not my relationship. But it just made me think today how grateful I am for loyalty. As my brother called each sibling to meet at my moms and told us all he asked for a divorce, I became even more grateful for my family. It was incredible to see the loyalty to my brother. I don't believe in hating someone just because someone else does, but I do believe in standing up for those you love and taking their side in a way that is healthy and not close minded. Each sibling supported Aaron with no question, because it was the decision that would be the in the long run. Clearly things are still really hard right now, but he will be happy again.
I'm grateful for the loyalty my husband gives me and I give him. I know he will never wander, because it's against his nature and his whole belief system. I get freaked out sometimes and think I'll mess up real big, to the point that he won't forgive me. I know I shouldn't think that because I am the only one that takes control of my actions, but I'm human and I've made mistakes before. I'll continue making mistakes. I only pray they are not mistakes that will ruin the most precious thing in my life. I feel like once we are sealed everything will be fine. I don't know how to explain it, but I know Satan is working hard on me and my husband because he does not want us to be an eternal family. But I do and Clifton does. We are so determined.
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