Tuesday, April 19, 2011


There is something that is always refreshing about crying.
No matter the reason, it is a wonderful emotional release.
I am an avid cryer.
It got to a point where I was crying almost every day.
When I told my mom she wanted to take me to a therapist.
But crying was my therapy.
She thought it wasn't healthy for me to cry that much, but it was.
It would've been unhealthy if I didn't cry every day.
I wasn't necessarily depressed, just a little unstable emotionally.
Things were happening that were giving me all sorts of overwhelming feelings.
So I cried.
Crying really is a beautiful thing, and it's sad when people are too prideful or scared or ashamed to show their tears.
If people don't cry on the outside, they cry on the inside and that can do greater damage.
No matter what I feel, I express it either by laughing or crying.
Laugh too hard and cry.  Get embarrassed and cry.  Have your heart broke and cry.

In my opinion, people that are ok with crying in front of others are beautiful.
"The soul would have no rainbow had the eye no tears" -John Vance Cheney

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