Saturday, September 24, 2011

Egg toast

I finally bought eggs today.  And bread.  I find it so hard to spend money on food.  I'm fine spending money on clothes or candles or movies or what have you, but I feel like my money is wasted when I buy food.  It's so discouraging to work so hard at a negative job, receive a small paycheck which goes directly towards bills, then spend the small remainder of money on something that disappears in a day anyway!  It's an ongoing battle for me.  Yes, I enjoy cooking for my husband and taking care of him.  It doesn't happen very often though, because I genuinely struggle with "wasting" money on food.  Plus I hate cooking for two.  I grew up in a big family and it's so much easier for me to make big portion sizes.  It feels like I should have 10 other people in the house to cook for.  I know I sound crazy but I am confident that will be a more simple task for me!  At least then there will be so many people that food won't go bad.  I get so discouraged when bread gets moldy, or bananas brown, or the spaghetti sauce is growing bacteria.

That's all beside the point though.  I made myself egg toast tonight while I watched CSI.  It was a good evening.  I'm so glad I learned how to make this wonderful egg toast.  It's delicious and I'm grateful for it today.

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